motore di ricerca in inglese sul restauro librario


Scarica il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari

Nuovamente funzionante ! è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso ! scarica il salvaschermo

mercoledì, agosto 31, 2011

1339-TRL-W-DEMO: Conservazione di raccolte librarie e archivistiche: primi interventi e interventi di emergenza

Titolo Conservazione di raccolte librarie e archivistiche: primi interventi e interventi di emergenza (Versione demo)
Data pubblicazione 15 febbraio 2008
Descrizione I materiali costitutivi di libri e documenti ed i trattamenti da effettuare su di essi nel caso si verifichi un'emergenza.
Codice 1339-TRL-W
Autori Gisella Guasti, Alessandro Sidoti
1339-TRL-W-DEMO: Conservazione di raccolte librarie e archivistiche: primi interventi e interventi di emergenza: - Inviata con Google Toolbar

British Library Conservation Funded Internships - 2011/12

British Library Conservation Funded Internships - 2011/12

The British Library is pleased to offer two funded internships,
concentrating on book and paper conservation. The internships are
funded by the Garfield Weston Foundation and the Headley Trust and
will run between November 2011 and October 2012.

The internships are available to conservators who have limited work
experience in conservation and who wish to develop their practical,
hands-on conservation skills in one of the greatest research
libraries in the world. The successful candidates will have a book
or paper conservation qualification(s) (an MA in conservation would
be desirable) and will be selected on the basis of conservation
knowledge in relation to the projects available. Candidates will
also need to give examples of how they meet the essential criteria
for the internship.

Each internship has a bursary of UKP17k. The bursary will be paid on
a monthly basis and is subject to tax. The internships are open to
those who have the right to live and work in the UK.

The closing date for applications is Friday 30 September 2011 and
interviews will be held week commencing 10 October 2011.

For further information and how to apply please see>

Paper conservator Book conservator The University of Aberdeen

Paper conservator
Book conservator
The University of Aberdeen

The University of Aberdeen is about to complete the construction of
a new University Library, Special Collections Centre and
Conservation Centre. The Glucksman Conservation Centre will be a
state-of-the-art facility for the conservation of the University's
extensive collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives.
Following the recent appointment of a Senior Conservator, we are now
looking to recruit a Paper Conservator and a Book Conservator to
join the team.

Paper conservator
(Grade 5, UKP25,101 - UKP28,251)
Ref 1202461

   The postholder will be responsible for the conservation of the
   University's paper-based and flat items but will also play a
   wider preservation role; undertaking conservation surveys;
   monitoring environmental conditions; preparing material from the
   collections for exhibition display; and contributing to the
   outreach and learning programme to be delivered in the new
   University Library. Successful candidates will have a good first
   degree in a relevant subject and a post-graduate qualification
   in paper conservation. They will have practical experience in
   the conservation and preservation of paper-based material in a
   laboratory/studio environment. They will be passionate about the
   profession and have or be committed to attaining ICON (Institute
   of Conservation) accreditation.

   Further particulars can be found at>

   Closing date: 19 September 2011
   Interviews: 9 + 10 October 2011

Book conservator
(Grade 5, UKP25,101 - UKP28,251)
Ref 1202450

   The postholder will be responsible for the conservation of the
   University's book and codex-form items but will also play a
   wider preservation role; undertaking conservation surveys;
   monitoring environmental conditions; preparing material from the
   collections for exhibition display; and contributing to the
   outreach and learning programme to be delivered in the new
   University Library. Successful candidates will have a good first
   degree in a relevant subject and a post-graduate qualification
   in rare books conservation. They will have practical experience
   in the conservation and preservation of rare books in a
   laboratory/studio environment. They will be passionate about the
   profession and have or be committed to attaining ICON (Institute
   of Conservation) accreditation.

   Further particulars can be found at>

   Closing date: 19 September 2011
   Interviews: 9-10 October 2011

venerdì, agosto 26, 2011

Library of Congress Offers Buyouts to Staffers : Roll Call News

library of congress 349 prepensionamenti, la crisi morde anche la Biblioteca più grande del mondo....

Library of Congress Offers Buyouts to Staffers : Roll Call News

Art Conservation Research: book

un po' di pubblicazioni gratuite che possono essere utili

Art Conservation Research: book: - Inviata con Google Toolbar

Boxes for the protection of books: their design and construction Di Margaret R.. Brown

martedì, agosto 23, 2011

Conservators find best treatment for wedding veil from "Gone With The Wind" is no treatment | Cultural Compass

Ebbene sì meglio non restaurare, anche se non sono un fanatico di via col vento devo dire che ci sono un sacco di ragioni in quest'articolo, non ultimo concordo che i guanti delle volte sono più un impiccio che un vantaggio e che delle volte è necessario avere lìoggetto tra le mani nude.

Conservators find best treatment for wedding veil from "Gone With The Wind" is no treatment | Cultural Compass: Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Conservators find best treatment for wedding veil from “Gone With The Wind” is no treatment
The wedding veil from 'Gone With The Wind.' Photo by Pete Smith.

The wedding veil from 'Gone With The Wind.' Photo by Pete Smith.

Gone With The Wind is full of lessons about love, life, and loss. Almost 75 years later, Scarlett’s silk wedding veil has one more lesson.

“At the end of our life, it is the end of our life. We are all organic material. When a costume has come to the end of its life, it is no different than we are,” says Cara Varnell, a specialist in Hollywood film costumes and the conservator working on the Ransom Center’s five Gone With The Wind dresses.

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razor blade planes: an overview « jeff peachey

razor blade planes: an overview
Posted in book conservation, book repair, bookbinding, bookbinding machines by Jeff Peachey on August 17, 2011


There are three fundamental techniques of paring leather in bookbinding: using a paring knife, using a modified spokeshave and using a paring machine, such as the Fortuna, Schar-Fix or Brockman. Often various combinations of these methods are used. Learning how to pare leather not only requires learning the technique of using a knife or spokeshave, but also the skills of how to keep the knife or blade sharp. The Brockman or Scharf-Fix alleviates the need to learn how to sharpen, although some thrifty bookbinders do resharpen their double edge blades. These paring machines are best suited for making small, thin flat pieces of leather — generally for onlays, labels, quarter bindings — rather than achieving a long, gradual bevel necessary for rebacking or English style full leather bindings.

read more...:

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lunedì, agosto 22, 2011

Heritage Without Borders

Purtroppo le vacanze sono già finite per tutti, ma se qualcuno stesse cercando una maniera di rendersi utile, mi sembra che questi siano un po' come medici senza frontiere...

Heritage Without Borders: Heritage Without Borders is a unique social enterprise working in developing countries to:
build capacity in heritage skills;
support heritage projects in situations of poverty, and following conflict and disaster; and
provide valuable work experience for students and professionals in the heritage sector.

We form long-term partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organisations to understand knowledge and skill gaps.

Our teams of volunteers support and work alongside local communities to understand, interpret, use and conserve their tangible and intangible heritage.

Find out more about volunteering or partnering with us.

We offer skills in:
Preventative and remedial conservation
Collections management
Documentation, cataloguing and digitization
Security advice
Site and building management advice
Exhibition and interpretation
Audience development and marketing
Outreach and education

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Internship at Trinity College, Dublin

Internship in book and manuscript conservation
Trinity College Library, Dublin

The Heritage Council of Ireland and Trinity College Library are
pleased to offer a nine-month internship in book and manuscript
conservation. The internship will be based at Trinity College
Library and will begin in November 2011.

The successful candidate will work under the supervision of the
Library's Keeper of Preservation and Conservation and will be
involved in every aspect of work carried out in the Conservation
Laboratory. The internship will be based around the conservation of
books and manuscripts from the Library's special collections, as
well as exhibitions preparation, and housing projects. The intern
will be encouraged to carry out a short research project on an
aspect of the collection, the subject of which will be determined
once the internship has begun.

Candidates should be recent graduates of a recognised book or paper
conservation training program (or have equivalent experience). The
applicant should be able to work with a degree of independence.

Stipend: Euro20,000 (subject to normal PRSI and PAYE deductions)

The deadline for applications is Friday 9 September 2011 and
interviews will be held in early October. Candidates should send a
letter of interest, current curriculum vitae and the contact details
of two referees to:

Susan Bioletti, Keeper of Preservation and Conservation
Trinity College Library, College Green
Dublin 2, Ireland.
+353 1 896 2203
bioletts [at] tcd__ie

Further details on the Department can be found at

mercoledì, agosto 10, 2011

Allarme infiltrazioni d'acqua a Brera salvato lo 'Sposalizio' di Raffaello - Milano -

Raffaello l'hanno spostato ma i libri della Braidense ?

Allarme infiltrazioni d'acqua a Brera salvato lo 'Sposalizio' di Raffaello - Milano - "Allarme infiltrazioni d'acqua a Brera
salvato lo 'Sposalizio' di Raffaello
L'intervento dopo lo scoppio di un canale all'interno del muro alle spalle del capolavoro
La soprintendente Bandera: servono lavori urgenti di restauro per evitare altri rischi
La perdita a Brera
E' stato lo scoppio di un canale che passa all'interno di quel muro a scatenare quel sabato pomeriggio di due mesi fa a Brera l'allagamento del loggiato denunciato oggi all'Ansa da un tecnico della Uil, e documentato da foto e da un filmato. Lo rivela la soprintendente ai beni artistici di Milano, Sandrina Bandera, che sottolinea la necessità per il complesso di urgenti lavori di restauro sulle coperture. 'Piove anche sui libri della biblioteca Braidense, il nostro problema è generale'. Vera la denuncia del sindacato, conferma, 'Il canale è scoppiato e ha tracimato acqua a non finire, siamo dovuti intervenire in emergenza'.  Anche se 'Lo sposalizio della Vergine' di Raffaello secondo la soprintendente  'non era in pericolo. Eravamo tranquilli. Però l'acqua si era infiltrata nella sala passando da sotto la porta, una cosa che non doveva succedere'."

martedì, agosto 09, 2011

Dear colleagues,

The latest issue of International Preservation News has just been released. It is dedicated to Preservation in Tropical Climate.
It is available on line at:

Enjoy your reading!